A ski school for the blind was our next search, and to our disbelief, they do exist, so the questions wandered through our minds of the huge responsibility this trip would entail. A different kind of vacation; one where we witness our courageous friend conquer the snow! She is truly one of a kind, blind from birth, she has conquered her fears, gone through college and a masters degree, plays the piano, socializes on fb, and totally ready to hit the slopes.
Everything was planned, it was a matter of days; however, unforeseen events forced most of us to cancel the trip. Regardless of this, our friend was determined, jumped on a plane on her own and met with a friend that lived near the mountain so she could fulfill her new goal. Doing incredibly well, she returned home triumphant, giving us the clear sense that this was a different type of vacation; one where we got to experience snow through a whole set of eyes.........
closed eyes image (source unknown) found via pinterest
snow heart found via spin news magazine
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