I write these lines as I enjoy the beauty of the season. Christmas is such a wonderful celebration and I am so glad to be able to enjoy the full twelve days! As I look back on twenty twelve, I am compelled to share a bit of the magnanimous gifts received.

Since about ten years ago, I have shared on a tradition to pick from a card stack around Christmas time. Each one of these cards depicts the name of a Saint, as well as a virtue particular to their life.

Last year I happened to receive St. Lucy, and the virtue to "be a light for others". Each year I am amazed at how many opportunities I am given to persevere on each particular virtue and twenty twelve was not the exception.

I find that despite the dark moments of life, there is always light poured upon us. Sometimes perhaps just a flickering one, but even if light does not dispel all darkness completely, it allows for beauty to be noticed by a combination of brightness and shadows that shape both our character and humanity.

I am glad and humbled to be able to share every bit of light and beauty I may find with all of you. I hope for many opportunities to do so during twenty thirteen, and I invite you to follow along the way and share some of your own bright and beautiful moments.

lovely image via wit + delight

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A few days surrounded by silence can do wonders for body, mind, heart and soul. It is in the depth of that silence, that I pondered deeply about the direction of my goals in relation to eternity.

Some of these thoughts include the fact that a few things are inescapable for human kind, no matter what the state of life. A couple of them being labor and suffering.

Everyday offers new opportunities and possibilities, and if one is to profit and fully live; idleness is not a choice. Many books have been written on more efficient ways to cut labor time in half or less. I remember reading the 4-hour workweek a while ago, and agreeing with the fact that truly a day's duties could be accomplished in the least possible amount of time; yet, there is always something else that could be done in order not to waste the day away.

Many work in the fields, under the sun; others inside large skyscrapers under fluorescent light. Each one with their own set of challenges to conquer the day; yet given the same exact opportunity: the one to offer one's labors for a bigger purpose; beyond the sweat of our forehead.

Labor and suffering; the existing conditions of our humanity from the beginning of time. The unavoidable reality for each one of us; therefore, our choice remains:

To labor each day with a great sense of love and purpose, or to drag ourselves into the unending rhythm of the working class. To understand that our work can transform the world and bring maturity and fulfillment to the one that labors. Placing labor to the service of humanity and not the other way around.

So wherever one may be in life, let us ask ourselves, what are the fruits of our labor?

lovely image via milk

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As I write these lines, I ponder about the recent tragedy in Newton, CT and I turn to prayer for healing and acceptance for all families involved.

Tragedy seems to hit unannounced; leaving us speechless before a sad reality and a broken world. I cannot fathom the pain of all mothers who have lost their precious children and the sadness that surrounds this community. I cannot therefore help, but unite to their pain and be part of the healing process.

There is truly a lack of words for what could be beautiful in their lives right now, but we must not forget that even amidst tragedy and suffering, one can experience a tremendous amount of grace.

I had intended to share a piece of my own suffering several months ago, but somehow I hesitated with the thought that perhaps it was too sad and I opted for sharing happier moments. Today I have a different perspective, as once again I am left with the fact that suffering is a human reality and that any light I might be able to shed from my own experience is noble in itself.

As much as I understand that each circumstance and tragedy is unique, I believe that pain is a universal reality. While things will never be the same and it will take a long time for families to heal, I hope the below story brings a ray of hope to many............

                                                                                                       lovely image found through pinterest

Last summer, I was given the opportunity to reflect on how I walk my little journey in life. I am truly grateful for the many occasions I can step back, look at the whole picture, and see the amazing plan thought out for each one of us, despite the difficulties.

As I write these lines, I count myself wonderfully blessed and compelled to share about my own pain and suffering transformed into beauty. Perhaps I must share bits and pieces of my own little way, as a means to help others persevere and love in any circumstance.......

My mother passed away during a tragic accident ten years ago. The night we found ourselves in front of her laying body; covered by a blanket, behind a yellow line, is one to bring tears to my eyes when vividly described. Sometime I will get to share the many details of that particular night; filled with depth and even hidden beauty.

This time though, my pen brings me to the part when funeral arrangements were to be made. I remember myself discussing arrangements for her cremated body to be buried. Something felt inappropriate about how the topic was handled. I doubted the dignity with which the loss of my beloved mother was handled by the callous personality of those who dealt with death on a daily basis.

As I found myself troubled by the circumstances, I received a phone call from one of my sisters. I was told of my mother's words not too long before her accident. She had expressed the wish to have her body cremated and spread throughout a field of flowers. I could not think of a more fitting way to honor her, so I excused myself from the funeral home and began the arrangements to fulfill her wishes.

We consulted with a few Theologians on the topic of burial and faith. When given an answer in regards to the specific situation, we embarked on our journey to find the perfect spot.

Once there, my siblings and I concluded it would be a good idea to take turns carrying the ashes on our way to the flower field. It was during that moment, when I remembered telling my mother a few yeas back, how I would take care of her as an elderly person. I told her I would push her wheelchair, as she once pushed my stroller. Unfortunately, she died before this would happen; yet, I found myself holding her entire body within my arms. I realized how I was given the opportunity to embrace her, just as she embraced me as a baby.

Life has many turns and road forks; but, we can always find something wise and beautiful within its many moments.

I could fill an entire book with them, but for now, I leave you with this little bit of my journey.....

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During this season, it is amazing how streets and shops seem rather crowded. Everyone looks quite busy searching for the perfect gift, and I cannot help but wonder how much thoughtfulness goes into each one of these purchases. I believe that no matter how simple or extravagant each gift turns out to be; 'thoughtfulness' is the main ingredient in perfect giving.

With the above in mind, I would like to share a few of my favorite gift guides. I hope you get to stop for a minute or two and consider which little gifts will make someone's life more beautiful.

01. L+C holiday gift guide with gifts that give back

02. Gifts for the ladies from Note to Self and Hip Hip Gin Gin

03. Gifts for the gents from Note to Self and Hip Hip Gin Gin

04. Gifts for the hosts from Note to Self 

05. Stocking stuffers from Hip Hip Gin Gin

07. Gifts for kids from Note to Self and Leuie

06. Holiday gift guide from IHOD

I hope you enjoy this season of giving and for those of you who wonder about Santa ..............

Happy Feast of St. Nicholas!

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