It all began with a water bottle; a perfectly portable transparent one that I bought with the idea to make myself drink more water. I had been carrying this with me for several days and I began to notice real progress.
One night when arriving home, I realized I had left behind my lovely bottle. During a meeting, I took a sip and positioned on the floor next to my seat. Given the late hour, going back did not make sense. I could have picked up another bottle, but practicality was not intended. The object represented a goal I had polarized, and leaving it behind was not the best choice.
I am not one to rise early; yet, I left before dawn. After a beautiful Mass celebration I felt glad to be there. I had been trying to attend on weekdays as to receive the graces and benefits on a daily basis; instead of just once a week.
The forgotten water bottle made its way back into my hands and I walked towards the running trail. About half a mile into it, I saw a doughnut truck parked right next to the trail. On the occasion for celebrating 75 years their tasty treats were being offered.
The latter combination was senseless; making people seemingly confused by the juxtaposition. Sadly, those being lured to the doughnuts were the ones who needed them the least; those who probably struggle with eating habits and are trying to make progress. What a test of will power.
I continued down the trail being passed by different types of runners. One of them caught my attention, as he ran wearing a heavy army vest. He was seemingly training, and about twenty minutes later, I spotted him again, as he had made an entire loop. His face dripping with sweat; yet filled with determination. I looked at him and smiled as to convey my admiration.
All of the above events helped me to ponder on the importance of exercising our will and taking steps on a daily basis in order make our lives more beautiful.
lovely image of Evgenia Obraztsova via tumblr