A few months ago, I had the opportunity to reflect on the possibilities and potential for each one of us. It was one of those days when one of my single friends in her late twenties, would worry about whether or not she would marry anytime soon. She is such a wonderful person and a free spirit, but even with her laid back personality, the question troubled her enormously.
I asked why would she be so pressured to find answers and she added that others constantly questioned when would she be married; which I understand, as I have found that no matter what stage in life you find yourself within, the question on the 'next step' will always prevail.
I find that the sequence goes more or less like this:
01 when will you have a boyfriend
02 when will you get married
03 when will you have kids
04 when will you have grandchildren
and everything in between; yet, I realized that on that very day, I had been asked question number 03 above. Someone asked me when would I have children, to which I gave a simple answer, and I was then told, that the reason I was asked, is the fact that this person thought I would make a very good mother. I was flattered and glad that this very statement had provided the necessary insight needed to help my very troubled, 'single' friend.
I realized that when we are asked about these things, it is an indicator of the potential seen in us. We are asked out of wonder and awe for what we could offer within that particular area of life.
I would say that the possibilities are endless, and if only we would keep that very conviction within us and trust that everything comes in its own time, we would be only concerned with all that, which makes us wonderful in the first place.
lovely image via wordpress